Monday, June 29, 2009

Landis Quote of the Day

Landis and I were talking about one of his friends. He asked, "Does he have a brother?"

I told him that, yes, that friend does have a brother.

Landis thought about it for a little while and said sadly, "But he doesn't have a Josh."

Landis thinks every little boy should have a fun uncle Josh!

He can swim!!

We went to the pool today, and Landis splashed around on the steps for a little while, then said to me, "Monni, go far, and I will swim to you all by myself."

I took a step or 2 back, and he motioned for me to go back further. So, I stepped about 4 feet away from the steps and he grinned, ducked his head under the water and swam to me!

I am so, so excited! He has been taking swimming lessons for a month and has been so close to swimming for the last week or 2, but I guess everything just clicked for him today. We spent the next 30 minutes with him swimming back and forth between me, Goat, Caleb, the steps and the wall. It was so much fun! He LOVES the water so much. I can't wait until tomorrow so I can take him to the pool again!!!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Landis has been taking swimming lessons for the past month. He loves his teacher, Miss Marie, and has learned to swim short distances. He has a lot of fun interacting with the other kids in his class, splashing, blowing bubbles, floating and playing.

Today was the last lesson of the month and the teacher arranged for underwater pictures of the kids to be taken. Landis' caption for this picture is: "This is Landi, swimming by his self!"

We are looking forward to taking lessons again in July!


Last week, Landis and I went to the swimming pool with our friends Jessica and Beni. We had a great time, and while we were there, Landis did what is quite possibly the sweetest thing any baby has ever done.

There is a big section of the pool with shallow water, so I let Landis run around while I sat in the water nearby. After a while, he ran up to me and threw himself into my arms. "Monni," he said, "I love you close." And he snuggled up in my arms.

He then leapt down, ran half way across the pool and yelled at the top of his lungs, "I love you far away!"

And then it was back to me. "I love you close!"

He is the sweetest boy anyone has ever had and I can't even begin to describe how very much I love him.

Friday, June 19, 2009

When I came home from school yesterday, I noticed that Landis was no longer wearing his pants. I asked him whether he had had an accident, or just wanted to take them off. He told me, "I just wanted to take my pants off because I pee'd in them."

Leave it to Landis to find a third option!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I was tossing Landis in the air earlier this evening. I told him it was fun to toss him. He told me, "I can toss myself by my own self" and jumped as high as he could, yelling "TOSS!!"

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Landis-isms of the Day

Landis, Caleb and I had to run some errands today. As I was driving to the grocery store, I asked the boys if there was anything they would like me to add to my list. Caleb requested milk and tomato soup so that we could make "Grandpa's Penne Pasta" (pasta with cheese and tomato soup.) Landis chirped in, "I want tomato soup! I do! I do!"

Caleb, amused by Landis' response, asked, "Landis, do you believe in fairies?"

Landis replied, "I believe in tomato soup!"

Silly boys!!!

We all knew it was coming...

I'm surprised it took this long. Yesterday, was Landis' first (and hopefully only!) emergency room visit.

My little monkey boy tried to climb onto the top of the fridge and fell onto his head on the tile floor. After a panicked phone call to my wonderful Dad, we determined the criteria for taking him in to the ER instead of watching him carefully at home. (As an aside - it is so nice to have a father who is a pediatrician when you have an injury prone little toddler! Thank you Dad!!!) When Landis started vomiting repeatedly, we took him in. As scary as it was - he vomited, his speech was slurred and he was as miserable and iritable as I have ever seen him - everything turned out OK. Several hours and a CT scan later, it was determined that Landis had suffered a mild concussion, but would be just fine. Caleb was NOT happy to be back in a hospital. He has spent a lot of time with my Mom and Grandpa. But, he made it through.

We were instructed to check on Landis every 2 hours during the night to make sure he would wake easily, just in case. I think it really sunk in that he was just fine when, in the middle of the night, between checks, I coughed a little bit and Landis rolled over, opened his eyes and muttered sleepily, "Monni, I want you cover your mouth when you cough. Remember that, please." He then rolled over and fell back asleep. Clearly he was not having any problem waking up!

I heard Landis' side of a phone conversation with his Nonnie describing the ordeal. In Landis' words: "I bonked on the tile. It hurt. I saw some people and Monni and Daddy at the other* hosital-tal. Monni says, 'No more bonks on the tile.'"

*Not the same hospital that we went to to see Great Grandpa Duggan.