Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Today is laundry day and clothing choices were in short supply for Landis. I handed him a navy blue shirt to put on, and Landis asked if it was his motorcycle shirt, which is the same color.

"No, Landis," I said, "this is a plain shirt."

Landis finished putting the shirt on, looked down and then back at me, confused. "Monni," he asked, "where is the plane?"

Saturday, September 19, 2009

We are in Gainesville for the weekend! We just watched the game (Go Gators!!) and arrived back at my parents' house.

Landis wanted to play with Caleb's toys. Josh reminded him that he should ask before he played with them. Landis walked over to Caleb and said, "Caleb, your toys are nice. I like to play with them. I am going to play with them now."

Umm, Landis, that was not quite what we meant by "ask Caleb." Silly boy!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Recently, Landis has been counting everything. Today, he told me he was going to give me three kisses. He held up his thumb, pointer finger and middle finger to show me, and counted the kisses out on his fingers.

He touched his middle finger, counted "one" and gave me a kiss.

He touched his pointer finger, counted "two" and gave me another kiss.

Then, he touched his thumb and said, "See, this finger is for a little kiss." After giving me one last little kiss, he ran off happily to play with his trains.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Reading Goggles

Landis was given a tool set by his Ludwig grandparents for his second birthday. He loves to pretend to build and fix all sorts of things, and also finds other creative uses for the toys. For example, these safety goggles have become Landis' official reading goggles. Several times each day he runs out of his room to find me with his goggles in place and a book in his hands!

Monday, September 14, 2009


Landis finished his lunch and ran over to my seat. He gave me a kiss, snuggled in my lap and said, "You always get me sandwiches. You are a good Monni."

What at sweet boy he is!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Big boy bed

Landis got a new big boy bed! He loves it. He picked out his own sheets - Thomas the Tank Engine, of course! He loves to snuggle his Monni or Daddy in his new bed and get lots and lots of books read to him before bedtime. When Aaron Scott was here last weekend, they tried to have a sleepover in the big boy bed but they were both too excited to sleep!

I can't believe how fast my little boy is growing up. He gets bigger and more independent every day. It is so much fun to watch him grow and change!


Landis has been very interested in learning his shapes recently. He also loves to eat a slice of peanut butter toast with his breakfast. Combining these two interests, I've come up with Landis' new favorite breakfast food - shape toast! Every morning, Landis requests that I cut his toast into a new shape. Triangles are the current favorite, but squares, rectangles, semi-circles, and this morning's choice, circles, are also options. Instead of dawdling as he sometimes used to, Landis happily chomps his shape toast up. It's made breakfast really fun!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Landis and I got into a long discussion this evening about how libraries work. He's been to the library but hadn't ever really discussed how the library operates. We talked about it for a while, and Landis got more and more excited about the prospect of a never-ending supply of books. He looked up at me and said, "Wow!! That is SO COOL!"

We met our friends Natalie and Anna at the library last week for storytime. As I pulled into the parking lot, Landis told me, "Monni, I love the library. You know why? It has books and Anna!!"