Saturday, April 14, 2012

Finally Updating...

Wow, it's been a long time since I've updated this blog... Here is a quick rundown of what we have been up to lately.

Landis will be starting kindergarten next year. He has had a wonderful first experience with school at Space Coast Early Intervention Center, and is really looking forward to kindergarten. He has been having lots of fun doing gymnastics, and this summer we plan to do lots of swimming! He has gotten so tall recently, and really looks older all the sudden - maybe it's the two teeth he recently lost? He recently had a scary injury - he fell while jumping on his bed, and needed 6 staples in the back of his head. But the staples are out now and he is doing just fine. He still needs reminders to slow down and think before he does dangerous things.

Aaron Scott will also be making a big move in school next year - to middle school! He has had a great 6th grade year, and stays busy with Boy Scouts, cello, church activities and lots of reading when he is not hard at work with his classes. It's hard to believe he is getting so old. It seems like only a few years since I met him for the first time as a cute little preschooler. He's still pretty cute (don't tell him I said that!) He is an extremely active boy, full of energy. He has really enjoyed the outdoor adventuring aspect of Boy Scouts, and takes great joy in hiking, camping and exploring the outdoors. He is such a smart and fun boy, and I feel so lucky to be a part of his life.

Goat is still working at Avidyne, designing flight systems for small planes. He has been fortunate to have some really wonderful co-workers and an amazing boss. Recently, he joined a Crossfit gym, and we have embarked on the Paleo Diet. I'm still a bit ambivalent (I love bread!), but we are both seeing results - weight loss and feeling more energetic and healthier. Goat always has a project or 6 going, and some of his recent projects have been improvements to his boat. We are looking forward to spending time out on the water as the weather gets warmer and enjoying the new stereo system and new (working!) depth finder. He also recently purchased a Hayabusa, a very fast motorcycle. It's pretty snazzy, although it makes me nervous that he felt the need to bypass the limiter that reduced the top speed to 188 miles per hour. Yikes!

I will be graduating from UCF with a BA in History on May 3. I am so relieved to be completing that (long) chapter of my life. I'm not yet certain what I will do next, but I am excited to move forward. This semester, I have been driving to Orlando twice a week, about 1 hour 15 minutes each way. It is exhausting! I know some people have a daily commute that long or longer, but I don't know how they do it. I have also been volunteering with Rolling Readers, a local organization that works with public schools to promote literacy, and the Florida Historical Society. This February, I participated in the Month of Letters Challenge and wrote 44 letters to family and friends. If anyone would like to send or receive a letter, let me know! Once I make it through these last few crazy weeks of class, I am looking forward to catching up with the beloved family and friends I have been neglecting in the end of semester rush, and being able to spend more time with my husband and boys.

We have been incredibly blessed to have the support of many wonderful people, family and friends, as we learn and grow and move through new seasons of life. Thank you all. We love you so much!!