Thursday, May 15, 2008

Cute Landi Anecdotes of the Day

This morning, as we got in the car to go to Aerin and Tea's house, Landis saw his shoes and decided he wanted to wear them. "Shoes!" he said. I was busy buckling him into his car seat and couldn't put them on that instant, so he repeated his request. "Shoes!" I was finally done buckling him in and reached for the shoes. He nodded vigorously, waved his little toes around and said "Mommy, shoes feets!" Hey, a sentence! I obligingly put his shoes on his sweet little "feets" and we were off.

After lunch, Landi and I went outside to tend to the garden. He played on the porch in his little house for a minute, then spotted the stroller, pulled it out from the little nook where it resides, and ran up to me. "Mommy, ride!" It seemed like a good idea to me too - it's a beautiful day - so I ran inside, grabbed a water bottle, strapped him in, and off we went. We walked around the block a few times, and then did the longer loop around 1/2 of the neighborhood. Landis saw lots of "birdies" and a squirrel and some "doggies", and well as trees, flowers, and mangoes growing in a neighbors yard. We walked for about an hour, but it got to be too hot, and we were out of water so we headed home. I thought for sure he would be satisfied, but no sooner had I pulled him out of the stroller than he ran over to the bike trailer, hopped in and said again "Ride! Ride!" It never ends!

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