Saturday, September 20, 2008

I Love These Boys

So, So much!

Aaron Scott, Landis and I had such a wonderful weekend. We picked Aaron Scott up from school on Friday and ran a few errands. Then we headed back to the house and went for a bike ride. We rode around the neighborhood for a bit and then explored a grassy path that runs along the creek. After a while, we went back to the house, Goat got home from work and we headed to his parents' house. They boys and I went swimming there. Aaron Scott had his shark mask, gloves and fins and had a great time pretending to be a shark. Landis has lost all of his fear of the water, which on the one hand is great, but makes me worry. He jumped in and "swam" towards me when I was playing with Aaron Scott and not looking, and when I scooped him up after a second or 2 looked really proud of himself. It turned out fine, but it worries me that he thinks he can swim when he can't.

We ate dinner and then watched a Harry Potter movie with the beloved "AmmaPapa"* and then headed home and put the exhausted boys to bed.

Saturday, Goat had to work again. :( We woke up in the morning and went on a 2 mile nature walk with the Ludwig grandparents. It was fun! We saw lots of neat animals - an armadillo, several different kinds of turtles swimming in the creek, fish, a tortoise walking next to the path very slowly, and lots of insects. Aaron Scott and his Papa had a great time communicating by walkie talkie when we took separate forks in the trail.

After the nature walk, we brought Goat lunch at work and walked next door to check out the rock gym. It is really expensive! I was thinking it might be a fun thing to do every once in a while, but it would cost our family more than $70 to get in for the day. Yikes!

The boys and I went home, Landis napped and Aaron Scott played on the computer for a little while. Then we went on another bike ride. Unfortunately, Aaron Scott took a tumble and scraped his knee. We went back to the house to wash it off and get a band aid, and then he was ready to bike some more. We rode for a little while longer, then went home and packed up to go to the beach.

Aaron Scott is such a social kid! We hadn't been there for more than 10 minutes when he found another boy about his age and they started playing. Landis really wanted to play with them, but he just kept getting in the way of their games, so I took him a little ways down the beach and we played in the surf together. After a while, we walked back to where Aaron Scott and his new friend were digging in the sand. Landis figured out a game he could play with the big boys - tag! He chased them up and down the beach. It was too cute! Then, Aaron Scott and his friend headed out into the waves, about waist deep. Landis really wanted to go out with them, so I walked out near them, but after a few minutes of Landis trying to dive into the ocean, we headed a little bit closer to shore. He really wants to do everything his big brother does! The boys played for a while longer, but the sun was setting and their faces were starting to turn the same shade of blue as their eyes, so we headed home.

As we were getting the boys to bed, Aaron Scott made the funniest comment. I control the thermostat during the day and keep the house on the warm side, but as soon as Goat comes home from work, he keeps it much cooler. Aaron Scott said that it had been too cold the night before and asked for an extra blanket. He said, "Your house is like the desert. Hot during the day and freezing at night!" He is the funniest kid. We are so lucky to have such wonderful boys!

*Grandma and Papa Ludwig. Landis says both of their names as all one word. He loves going to "AmmaPapa's House!"


jules. said...

sounds like a full couple of days! you guys are always having such cool adventures...i wanna be a Ludwig too!

Erin said...

You can be an honorary Ludwig next time you are in Florida. :) We miss you!