Monday, March 23, 2009

George Washington

Meet Landis' comfort object, George Washington. This Fievel (from An American Tail) stuffed animal was mine when I was a child, and recently Landis has taken to carrying him wherever he goes. Because he has a long tail, Landis decided that he is a monkey. Thus, Fievel became (Curious) George.

Landis has been learning to differentiate between pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters, and I've been teaching him about the presidents whose faces appear on our coins. After we learned about the quarter, George gained a last name.

George Washington is nearly as tall as Landis, but that doesn't stop Landis from dragging him to and fro by his tail wherever he goes. George sleeps next to Landis at night, and has a prominent role in Landis' play during the day.

I didn't think Landis would ever pick a comfort object - for the first 2 years of his life, he didn't latch on to any of his toys or blankets. Apparently he was waiting for a little monkey/mouse named after our first president.


Anonymous said...

He took George Washington's pants off.

Anonymous said...

Landis pulled off his pants.