Wednesday, June 3, 2009

We all knew it was coming...

I'm surprised it took this long. Yesterday, was Landis' first (and hopefully only!) emergency room visit.

My little monkey boy tried to climb onto the top of the fridge and fell onto his head on the tile floor. After a panicked phone call to my wonderful Dad, we determined the criteria for taking him in to the ER instead of watching him carefully at home. (As an aside - it is so nice to have a father who is a pediatrician when you have an injury prone little toddler! Thank you Dad!!!) When Landis started vomiting repeatedly, we took him in. As scary as it was - he vomited, his speech was slurred and he was as miserable and iritable as I have ever seen him - everything turned out OK. Several hours and a CT scan later, it was determined that Landis had suffered a mild concussion, but would be just fine. Caleb was NOT happy to be back in a hospital. He has spent a lot of time with my Mom and Grandpa. But, he made it through.

We were instructed to check on Landis every 2 hours during the night to make sure he would wake easily, just in case. I think it really sunk in that he was just fine when, in the middle of the night, between checks, I coughed a little bit and Landis rolled over, opened his eyes and muttered sleepily, "Monni, I want you cover your mouth when you cough. Remember that, please." He then rolled over and fell back asleep. Clearly he was not having any problem waking up!

I heard Landis' side of a phone conversation with his Nonnie describing the ordeal. In Landis' words: "I bonked on the tile. It hurt. I saw some people and Monni and Daddy at the other* hosital-tal. Monni says, 'No more bonks on the tile.'"

*Not the same hospital that we went to to see Great Grandpa Duggan.

1 comment:

Danielle said...

Aww, poor Landis! That is really hilarious when he told you to cover your mouth. I hope this never happens again!