Monday, November 24, 2008


We put up two clotheslines on the porch a month or so ago. I have never had so much fun doing laundry! I throw a load laundry in the washing machine just before bedtime. In the morning, when Landis wakes up, we head out to the porch. Our washing machine is in the garage on the way, and I grab the clothes, and put in another load to wash if needed. Landis rides his trike around the porch and back yard, runs around in the grass or plays in his little "playgrounds" - he has 2 little play sets with slides, a swing a steering wheel, and walls and ladders to climb. While he plays, I throw the clothes on the lines. Most of the clothes find a spot on one of the 2 lines, and smaller items (the 4 pairs of undepants my little potty training boy goes through in a day, napkins, kitchen rags, etc.) go on the little drying rack. This only takes 10 minutes at the most, so I have plenty of time afterward to join Landis in his play.

We usually go on our walk after hanging the laundry, then into the house for the rest of the morning. After lunch, Landis takes his nap, then we head back out to the porch to fold the load. Landis enjoys the play time and gets some energy out, which makes the afternoon much more pleasant for both of us. It's so much nicer to do laundry outdoors, with Landis running and playing, than indoors with him boucing off the walls. I highly recommend line drying to anyone with an energetic 2 year old - and just about anybody else!

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