Thursday, January 29, 2009

As the smell of regurgitated Goldfish wafted through the air

I suddenly but irrevocably lost all desire to eat that deliciously cheesy snack food ever again.

In related news: Landis has a stomach bug. We've fallen into a pattern of about 18 hours of fitful, feverish sleep and intermittent vomiting, followed by 6 hours of relative good health and happiness. My poor little boy is miserable. He keeps crying as nausea overtakes him "No more! All done! All done!" I feel so powerless. There is nothing to do but keep him clean and well hydrated, and to just be present for him, physically and emotionally. Get better soon, sweet little Landi-love!


Paul said...

Do you remember the time the three of us got really sick when we were little? I think it was the time period when all three of us were at St. Pat's. We were allowed to stay home and lay in Mom and Dad's bed all day and do nothing but throw up. We each had a giant mixing bowl. I think Uncle Bob was being sworn in or something - so Mom moved the TV into her room so we could watch.

Anyways, we drank green Gatorade by the gallon over those couple of days. Since then, I haven't been able to drink it.....I associate it with being sick and get nauseous instantly. It's great.

Erin said...

Good memories... I think that was the day that all of the carpet got ripped up and replaced too, or maybe that was another time. I remember mom and dad's room being the only place that had flooring.

Paul said...

Ah, that's right. I was wondering why we were all holed up in that one room.....makes sense now though. How's Lando?

Erin said...

He's better now, I think. He keeps faking us out though. He'll be fine for a while, and then when we're least expecting it he'll barf all over the place.