Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I'm starting the hundred push ups training program. Anyone want to join me? (Not you, John. We all know you could do about a million push ups in the blazing desert sun without breaking a sweat.) I'm out of shape and was only able to do 16 push ups today, but in 6 weeks I hope to be able to do 100 or more. I'll start week 1 tomorrow.

Aaron Scott, Landis and I went for a 6 mile bike ride yesterday and I realized just how out of shape I really am. It was hard to keep up with the quick and energetic Aaron Scott, and then he took a fall which scraped his hand and shook him up, so he ended up riding the last 1 1/2 miles or so in the bike trailer with Landis. It's hard work pulling 75 pounds worth of silly boys! I'm planning to join a gym that's about 2 1/2 miles away from our house, and I may bike there when the weather permits. After a few weeks I should be ready to challenge Aaron Scott to a race. :)

1 comment:

jules. said...

I just worked out for the first time since I got to Italy today! I'm sooo weak. So I'm right there with you Erin! Let's do this!