Friday, April 25, 2008

I have the funniest baby ever. Landis and I were playing together. He was laying on the bean bag (thanks Josh!) and I was tickling him. Eventually he had enough and put his legs straight up to stop me, so I leaned my stomach against his legs and pretended to be flying. He thought that was pretty funny. I thought he would like the game even better if we switched and he was "flying" so I asked him if he would like to play airplane. His face lit up and he ran to the door and said "airplane, airplane." He thought I was going to take him outside to see an airplane fly by! (We live beneath the landing pattern for the Melbourne airport and see a plane fly above our house every 15 minutes or so during the day.) I tried to show him how to play the game, but he ran back to the door and kept asking to see an airplane. They don't fly by as often in the evening, and it's prime time for mosquitoes, so we weren't willing to take him out to wait for a plane. Landis was distressed until Goat came up with the perfect solution - the two of them are sitting together watching airplane videos on youtube!

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