Sunday, April 20, 2008


Goat and I watched a very eye opening documentary last night about Monsanto. They are a huge multi-national conglomerate responsible for genetically modified crops, the bovine growth hormone present in milk, Round-Up, Agent Orange, PCBs and aspartame. Their products have been rubber stamped by the FDA with little investigation into the potential health problems they could be causing all of us, due in large part to the fact that, since the Reagan administration, top government officials in the FDA, the EPA and congress have been former employees, board members and stockholders of Monsanto. Monsanto's goal is to control the world's food production. Their "Round Up Ready" crops have been genetically modified to withstand the broad spectrum herbicide, however, they lack the resistance to pests and diseases and will die if Round Up is not used. Using the genetically modified crops means the farmer will be dependent on Monsanto for herbicides which are, according to several studies, carcinogenic. Worse, if the farmer in the next field over decides to use Monsanto Corn, the pollen of which blows into your field and pollinates your corn, Monsanto, which has patented the genetic modifications, can sue you for using their GMO without paying. This is happening to small farmers all over the country, as it is almost impossible to escape cross pollination from the GMO crops. I could go on and on, but just watch the documentary and see for yourself:

Warning: The documentary contains some very sad and upsetting images of cancers and birth defects caused by the chemicals and is probably not good viewing material for young children.

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