Monday, April 14, 2008

The sunflowers are sprouting! I am so excited about them. Besides adding some lovely color to the garden, they will attract bees to pollinate the vegetables, and we will have lots of delicious sunflower seeds to eat. During my obsessive reading of gardening websites, I came across the idea of planting a sunflower house, planting the sunflowers in a rectangle, leaving a small space unplanted for a door. Inside, a "carpet" of hardy, edible plants can be sown for the kids to trample and chomp. I think the boys would really enjoy watching the house grow (and grow and grow.... The sunflowers should reach about 12 feet.) If I get the sunflower house and bean teepee up, the garden should be a pretty fun place.

I put the lettuce and radish seeds in cups to sprout at lunchtime today. They grow very quickly, and if all goes as planned we should be eating the first of them in about a month. I can't wait for fresh salad from the garden!

I have high hopes for our watermelons. The seedlings (18!)we planted seem to be doing well so far, and the plants we bought as seedlings have just started flowering. I found an amazing recipe for Watermelon-Strawberry Sorbet that I cant wait to try.

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