Tuesday, April 22, 2008

More Garden Pics...

Yes, I am obsessed. But tiny ripening fruits and little bitty seedlings are just so cute!

Basil seedlings. These have been in a ground all of 1 day and they are doing great. I waited too long to transplant the poor things and their roots were waging a desperate but losing battle against the walls of their little cup. They have really shot up now that their roots have room to grow. Pay no attention to the weeds. It's hard to find the time to weed when my adorable little "helper" has decided that pulling up seedlings every time I turn my back and then watching my reaction is the best entertainment to be had.

Banana pepper. These things get surprisingly large. Peppers are the best for hot Florida summer days. It could be 100 degrees outside and they still taste cool and refreshing.

Strawberries ripening. There are 2 more on the other side of the plant. I went a little bit nuts and ordered 50 additional strawberry plants a few days ago. The strawberries were on sale but I have no idea where I am going to put them. I think we're going to have to build another bed.... This gardening habit is getting expensive.

Roma tomatoes. I'm so excited about making tomato sauce! And dang, I really should have caged this plant. It said on the little tag that it was a determinate variety, but I don't believe it. It is spreading its branches in an ever widening diameter in a frighteningly successful attempt to take over the garden.

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