Thursday, February 12, 2009

Landis and I just finished tidying his room. I walked into the living room to grab a couple of toys that were on the floor there, but ran back to his room when I heard a crash. Landis had overturned a big bucket of toys. Exasperated, I asked him why he had done that when we had just put those toys away. He shrugged and said, "Monni, sometimes I make a mess."


Rossiter Family said...

LOL!! Good reply Landis!! :)
Poor Monni...

Wheres the Follower icon?? So I can follow ya when we're in MD.

Erin said...

Hey Sara. To "follow" - go to your blogger account and scroll down to where it says "Reading List." Click add, and c&p the url of my blog. Then whenever you log onto blogger it will list any new posts from my blog and any other blogs you are following. :)

We will miss you guys when you are in MD! Visit often!