Sunday, February 22, 2009

Landis has a new obsession: type-woke walking (known to some of us as tightrope walking.) There is a picture in one of his books of a tightrope walker in a circus, and he has decided that he would like to emulate that illustration. We've been encouraging him to try walking in a straight line on the grout between rows of tiles, and are planning to set up a low balance beam in the back yard. It's nice that he is interested in activities that will improve his balance and coordination, and we feel pretty comfortable about his safety on the ground or only a few inches above it.

This evening, though, he decided to practice tightrope walking along the edge of the kitchen table, above the tiled floor. He just about scared me to death! He now knows that the table is off limits for his "type-woke walking" adventures. I'm amazed we've managed to stay away from the ER this long... Here's hoping that we make it another 2 years without an ER visit!


Paul said...

i've got some tubular webbing and a few biners.....want to set up a slack line for him sometime?

Erin said...

Only if we can set it up over a 900 ft gorge.

Landis likes to live life on the edge.